balconies in the Alipasino Polje neighbourhood of Sarajevo, the laundry providing some colour amidst the concrete

I am fully aware that not everybody is equally fascinated by our latest discovery, Brutalism. Which is why I will not flood the – already pretty flooded – main entry on Sarajevo with too many photos of apartment buildings from the communist era, when lots of accommodation was called for at low cost, yet still fitting the ideology.

the housing towers, with large patches of park green in between

The Alipasino Polje neighbourhood was built in the 1970s. It not only is home to some 27,000 people, but also shops and schools and playgrounds, the things that make a community, not just a housing estate. Whether this approach has been very successful is questionable, as it may have turned into a magnet for the unemployed and a hotbed of crime and drugs abuse. Not that we saw anything of that on our walk through the various sections, creatively called Faza A, B and C. Whatever, it is fascinating architecture, if you ask me.

the reality of Alipasino Polje

in close up it doesn’t look a lot jollier

different types of housing towers

differing in colour, at least

another of the designs

better viewed from a distance

attempts at some form of decoration

community facilities, like a school

and even a videoteka! – admittedly, closed by now

once more, a little colour from the laundry – very little

if you zoom in, you can get away from most of the concrete

some buildings have names, even

and this one comes from the internet, an overview of this jolly neighbourhood

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