Guatemala, country of perfect volcano cones

Inspired by friends who enthusiastically told about their recent trip to Guatemala, I had a look at my own photos, which are scanned slides from 2000-2003. In those years I came to Guatemala often, for a couple of days work, and on some of those occasions I took time off to travel parts of the country. I have no notes from these trips, just memories enhanced by the pictures. The accompanying text is therefor rather limited.

Semana Santa

Below are a couple of locations; places I have been to and where I have taken photographs. The highlight of those Guatemala visit was undoubtedly the Easter processions in Antigua Guatemala, of which I have made a separate entry.

Antigua Guatemala
Guatemala's ex-capital, a lovely colonial town
an immaculately manicured Mayan site
Lake Atitlan
Guatemala's most beautiful lake, hemmed in between volcanos
mountainous market town, and nearby Utatlan ruins
San Francisco El Alto
possibly the biggest market in Central America
Takalik Abaj
an un-Mayan Maya site, not very well developed
small Mayan site in the middle of the jungle
most magnificent Maya complex