For the latest on our trip to Bangladesh and the NE of India, check out the What’s New page.
Click on the world map above, and then on the pop-up, to select a country – the ones we lived in are reddish, the ones we traveled to are in shades of yellow (and the few that are green we have actually NOT been to). Alternatively, choose the country you are interested in from one of those below (note that some countries have been grouped together, in SE Europe or Central Asia), or from the sidebar on the left.
Not all countries included have been completed, and some other countries have not even been included, yet. This site remains a work in progress, more than 12 years after I started it…although, slowly, we are getting there!!
For my latest trip, to Syria, see the blog page here.
The big thing last years was our West Africa Expedition, overland from Chad to Sierra Leone (except Nigeria, for which we didn’t get a visa), and ending up in The Gambia. I kept a diary, starting pre-departure, switching to daily from early March, in Africa, and ending just after our return, end of April 2023. Check it out here.
The reports from our Yucatan, Mexico, trip in Feb/March 2024 and the Balkans journey of autumn 2024 haven’t been completed yet, and for the time being can be found by scrolling (far) down the What’s New page
and also fun: an interview I gave to the website, a site for travelers all over the world.