Travelogue-style blogs we kept during some of our journeys, covering a wide spectrum of subjects related to the trip – views on the culture, the history, the people, the infrastructure -, including many illustrating photos, of course. And, occasionally, diary-style blogs recounting some of the memories I have from a country were we have lived.


A short trip in Spring 2024, to a devastated, yet wonderful country.
Finland and the Baltics blog
a four week trip to Finland and the Baltic Republics in Sept/Oct. 2023
the West Africa blog
this is the diary kept before and during our West Africa expedition of March/April 2023
The second Caucasus blog
Our return to the South Caucasus, to Georgia and Armenia, in 2022
The Slovakia & Hungary blog
a five weeks trip in autumn 2021
A Southern Africa travel diary
a personal diary of an eight week journey in Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa in 1991
East African Memories
from almost three years (1987-1980) living in Tanzania, and travel to Rwanda and Malawi
The Northern Italy blog
the object of a three week visit in October 2020, to Venice and Florence, amongst others
The Czech Republic blog
Three week journey in July 2020, taking in Prague and most of the rest of the country
The Haiti Diaries
The experiences and observations during three years living in Haiti (2000-2003)
The Caucasus blog
Initially, four weeks Azerbaijan and Georgia, autumn 2019
The Costa Pacifico blog
Four months in early 2019, across Argentina, Northern Chile and Peru
The SE Asia blog
Account of a ten weeks trip to Yunnan in China, then North Vietnam, Laos and Thailand in winter 2017/2018
The Oman blog
Two weeks traveling in this most accessible of Arab countries, early 2017.
The Iran blog
Report of our eight week Iran journey in autumn 2016
Through Tibet travelogue
A two weeks trip through from Lhasa to Kathmandu, in Nepal, in Spring 1999
Italy - Sicily
a ten-day trip in October 2015
The 'Stans' blog
On our six weeks trip through Central Asia - Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan - in Spring 2015
Albanian Memories
Memories from the two years I lived there, from mid 1995 to mid 1997
The Aceh Diaries
This brings together the collected observations from a year in Aceh, Indonesia, where we lived from July 2006 - July 2007
The Romania & Bulgaria blog
This is the account of our six weeks trip driving through Bulgaria and Romania, with excursions to Istanbul and Moldova, in autumn 2014
The Indonesia blog
A three months journey at the end of 2013, through Java, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and then via Bali to Sumba - temples and volcanoes, villages and tombs, rivers and beaches, and lots of people.
The Silk Road travelogue
Account of a seven weeks journey in the summer of 1998, following the Silk Road west from Xi'an in China across the Karakorum Highway into Pakistan.
The Horn of Africa blog
A travelogue of an eight-week journey through Ethiopia and Somaliland, in February-March 2012, linked to the area's peculiar history, and complete with reading list. 
The Lebanon blog
Covers a two week trip through Lebanon in September 2011, digging into the rich history of this country, and the traces left on the ground to illustrate this.
The account of a ten week trip through Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam in the beginning of 2011, not only describing the places we went, but also linking them to various historical happenings, and complete with reading list.
The Haiti blog
This one doesn't really fit here, as it deals with the aftermath of the Haiti Earthquake of 2010, not specifically traveling. But it was my first blog, entertaining enough, and there are a number of trips described, too.