we almost never got to this type of roads, mostly stuck to the comfortable tarmac on our ‘expedition’

Of course, the initial idea was that we would need to recover from six weeks of hardship travel – the expedition – through West Africa, but by now you know, too, that that hardship was more about irritation over poor planning than that it had anything to do with tough conditions. When we reflect on the trip so far, we are both somewhat disappointed. All this adventure, all those perceived dangers, all the unknown, in the end, proved to be a walk in the park. Hardship because of occasional long travel days, but in the relative comfort of the truck, nothing compared to some of the bus journeys we have made in the past. And hardship because of the food, which on most occasions wasn’t to write home about – which I therefor haven’t done. And hardship because of lack of treats: hardly any wine, limited gin-and tonic opportunities, and chocolates don’t survive in this climate. So, in reality, no hardships to speak of.

the truck is hot, but not that uncomfortable

Come to think of it, there is no reason to recover, we are well rested upon arrival. But we’ll enjoy the lodge, anyhow.

Next: a day of activities, again

ah, well, the statement on chocolates is not entirely true, we did come across a place in Cote d’ Ivoire where they do make local chocolates – but they still melt

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One Response to 18 April 2023

  1. Thea Oudmaijer says:

    You Made so many hardship journeys in comparation to this one that you can go anywhere I guess!!

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