an authentic cafe in old tram cars, on Vaclav Square

Nove Mesto is the new town (as opposed to Stare Mesto, the old town), never mind it was established first in 1348. It runs from Republic Square south, via Vaclav Square – the most central place in Prague, perhaps – and further along the Vltava river, which is an especially attractive area when it comes to late19th  and early 20th Century architecture.

connected buildings along an avenue in Nove Mesto

building decorated with stucco and frescoes

the National Museum at the far end of Vaclav Square

another building along the square

one of the many hotels on the square

with its decoration

and this building, U Novaku, it extensively painted

detail of the painting, early 20th C, I guess

just another apartment building, in the sun, against a threatening sky

one of the buildings along the Vltava river

same building, top floor mosaic

same building, window and balcony decoration

there was something with bare-breasted women and decorating buildings

or how about a baby?

another one along the embankment

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