Attractive kampung distributed across several ridges
Kampung Praijiang is just a short walk, in western direction down the hill and up the next, from Prairami, and announces itself through a series of tombs at the bottom of the hill. The village is big, even with branches onto other ridges; much of the village floor, so to speak, is solid rock, limestone, in which rough steps have been hewn to resemble stairs, from one level to the next. Slippery, and tricky for those who, unlike the villagers, do not go bare feet. The village is used to tourists, and a visitor book is quickly produced. The best thing about Kampung Praijiang, however, is that the track that leads further west, outside the village, actually rises, allowing a fabulous view back from higher up.
Walking on west from Praijiang, along a good track, one soon hits a narrow tarmac road, at a junction. The road leading down, behind a group of tombs, is the road that ultimately leads south to Wanokaka; the road immediately to the right leads to Kampung Praikjowa, and to the left goes past Kampung Segarum (?) immediately right of the road, on a hill, and then further down to Kampung Bondomarotto and Kampung Gollu, and then on to the main Waingapu-Waikabubak road.