Large kampung outside Waikabubak
Kampung Tarona (?) is east of Kampung Kawainah, following the road past the Muslim community. There is a steep path clambering up the hill, but the tarmac road turns left around, and up to hill, with a turn-off to the village – much easier. This is a much bigger kampong, perhaps 20 houses – conical thatched roofs and all, with one or two exceptions -, and equally welcoming as the others around town. The hill is wider, so there is more space in between the houses, for tombs – and for the inevitable laundry. The verandah one of the houses is excessively decorated, with buffalo horns and skulls, with pig jaws, and whatever else of animal-sacrifice remnant. At the end of the long village, we have the choice: scramble down the steep path, or turn around to the comfortable tarmac road. We turn around.
At the edge of town, next is the important Kampung Tarung (or jump to the end of the tour, Kampung Bondomarotto)