Home to the second airport on the island, Waitabula still maintains a village-like, friendly atmosphere surrounding the market area
Another recently promoted district capital, and thus enriched with a dual carriage way, is Waitabula. Why little Sumba needs four districts is anybody’s guess, especially because it creates an overdose of prestigious but utterly useless government buildings – and needless kilometers of dual carriage ways. After all, the town does not amount to much more than a few houses and shops, and an ever-present market, centered around a road junction. More important, however, is that Waitabula is close to second airport on the island, Tambolaka, and is also home to what must count as the best hotel on Sumba: AC, hot showers and flushing toilets. Despite this apparent development, many people in town still look traditional Sumba, wearing ikat sarongs, the machetes and the headbands. And everybody is really friendly, curious about the foreigner, ready for a smile or a laugh.
Waitabula is close to Waikelo, perhaps the island’s most important harbour.