a frequently recurring theme, Man of Pain (Christ tortured to death) in the church of Bodruzal

In the vicinity of Svidnik is the wooden church of Saint Nicholas in Bodruzal, a UNESCO World Heritage-listed church. Built in 1658, it is also Greek-Catholic, like the church of Dobroslava and so many others in the area. There is a complete iconostasis in the church, with four rows of paintings and a delicately decorated door towards the sanctuary. Uniquely, the iconostasis is painted on both sides – and we were allowed into the sanctuary to admire this!

and inside the church, with a complete iconostasis

On the left wall are large frescos of the Last Judgement and the Crucifixion. Altogether, a fabulous building from the outside, with great decoration on the inside.


the wooden church in Budruzal

left wall of the church, with Last Judgement and the Crucifixion

The Last Judgement

detail of the same

and, of course, also a detail from The Last Judgement

and The Crucifixion

and in more detail

including this curious skull and bones at the bottom

two of the icon paintings in the iconostasis

and two more, lots of detail and colour

the iconostasis paintings

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