the monastic church of Voronet, dominantly blue-coloured

the monastic church of Voronet, dominantly blue-coloured

Voronet Monastery, painted in Voronet-blue, contains one of the most famous external frescoes of all Bucovina Monasteries, and there is a look inside, too

fresco showing that IS isn't that original, after all: Ottoman Turks killing a Christian

fresco showing that IS isn’t that original, after all: Ottoman Turks killing a Christian

The Voronet Monastery is one of the older ones, built in 1488 at the initiative of Stefan the Great, as a token of gratitude for Daniil the Hermit, who “advised (Stefan) in a time of distress” – likely to refer to yet another battle with the Ottoman Turks. The building has a tower, and several external additions dating from 1547.


The key fresco here is the Last Judgment, covering an entire wall, and still in excellent condition. There is no doubt that blue is the dominant colour in this church.

impressive Last Judgement fresco on the side of Voronet monastry church

impressive Last Judgement fresco on the side of Voronet monastry church

detail of the Last Judgment (1)

detail of the Last Judgment (1)

detail of the Last Judgment (2)

detail of the Last Judgment (2) – the left corner, procession with a cross

detail of the Last Judgment (3)

detail of the Last Judgment (3)

detail of the Last Judgment (4)

detail of the Last Judgment (4)


frescoes inside the church

frescoes inside the church

and all the way in the cupola

and all the way in the cupola

the iconostasis separating the nave from the sanctuary

the iconostasis separating the nave from the sanctuary

looking back through the church

looking back through the church, with various individual chambers

Sneakily, I managed to take some pictures inside, too, just to be able to share the fabulous quality of the inside decorations of these churches, too.

The other monasteries included here are Humor, Moldovita and Sucevita. See also ‘the painted monasteries of Bucovina‘.

frescoes on the outside of the sanctuary

frescoes on the outside of the sanctuary

detail of frescoes with beards

detail of frescoes with beards

fresco of the burial of a king

fresco of the burial of a king

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